[2023-09] Diary for September 2023
Table of Contents
Date 2023-09-30#
- ksctl 1st aniverssary
- Major project
- dockerize the db and the server
- build docker compose file for it
- AICTE internship
- done Ec2 AMI create from existing EC2 and copy from one region to another
- came to know about aws systems manager
- EFS and EBS and instance-store
- React learning on tic-tac-toe understood
- revising of cse concepts done
- Trying out gRPC
- HTTP streams for live logs data from server to client
Date 2023-09-29#
- DSA problem
- ksctl project issue resolving
- Major project
- integrated the backend go auth server with mysql
- jwt token better implementation
- AICTE internship
- learning S3 lifecycle
- CORS policies
- Access control list (ACL)
- Object or Bucket replication
- Bucket Versioning
- Learning React
Date 2023-09-28#
- Got my first full time offer
- ksctl maintainer work
Date 2023-09-27#
- DSA problem
- ksctl project maintainance
- AICTE internship course
- Major project auth part done
- revise CSE concepts
Date 2023-09-26#
- done some ksctl e2e test automation fixes
- college stuff
- revise CSE notes
- major project
- AICTE internship
- some new learning plans
Date 2023-09-25#
- DSA problem
- Major project. achieved go server with error handler wrapper
- Completed another AWS course (AICTE internship)
- ksctl Debugging session with one of the contributor
Date 2023-09-24#
- JWT token generation leanted in go
- major project to implement better error handlined and better maintable code for the http server
Date 2023-09-22 to 2023-09-23#
- Done a lot of ksctl improvement
- Revision of CS topics
- DSA problem
- AICTE intenrsip
- research
- Created a custom CI/CD pipeline tool
- Major project authetication nserver
Date 2023-09-21#
- fixed the jenkins e2e tests of ksctl
- merged the pr of ksctl
- DSA problem
- AICTE intenrship
- major project
Date 2023-09-20#
- ksctl PR done about setting up support for k8s controllers
- Major project
- AICTE internship
- revise some of the CSE concepts
Date 2023-09-19#
- done dsa problem
- migrated from the goa to gin http server for the major project
- ksctl pre seeting up for the support of k8s controller almost done with some minor bugs for planning for the feature flags to hide from end users
- AICTE internsjip modules
- revise some of the CSE concepts
- Puja as well
Date 2023-09-18#
- did 2 on-campus technical exams
- AICTE internship modules
- Major project
Date 2023-09-17#
- almost done with http server and security concenrs and tolerations and tains for ksctl scaleup and scaledown
Date 2023-09-16#
- was able to fetch required info from the ksctl cli and apply configmap, secret, and deployment for httpserver for scaling up and down
- and just relax
Date 2023-09-15#
- done with ksctl install configmap and other stuff after creation of cluster
- done a stream on the basic and intermediate golang
- DSA problems
Date 2023-09-14#
- done ksctl http server
- marketing courses done
- major project layout and init coding done for backend
- DSA problem
Date 2023-09-13#
- marketing course
- created ksctl group for bi-weekly
- kubesimplify ambassador meet
- found how to do scaling for ksctl
Date 2023-09-9 2023-09-12#
- college mid semister
Date 2023-09-08#
- some ksctl and cfp related discussions
- mid semister prep
Date 2023-09-07#
- done todays dsa problem
- marketing course
- mid semister prep
- completed 6 months internship
Date 2023-09-06#
- started with mid semister prep
- major project first app done
- last day of internship
Date 2023-09-05#
- done with some major project work
- internship
- DSA problem
- Marketing course 2 week 3 done
Date 2023-09-04#
- swaggerui done for the openapiv3
- internship
- Marketing course
Date 2023-09-03#
- kubernetes go-client to apply manifests
- learned openapiv3 with goa to demonstrate ksctl basic functionality
- ksctl bi-weekly meet
- Marketing course
- DSA problem
Date 2023-09-02#
- understood about kubernetes client go how it descrutcture and structues types
- golang and again growing love for C and Go
- College shit
- Marketing course
- Open source community
Date 2023-09-01#
- some mainterin roles for ksctl done
- internship
- DSA problems
- Marketing course
- Attended india dev channel meeting in kubernetes and came to know so many amaing people