2024-10-01 Dipankar Das 5 min read (962 words)
Table of Contents
Date 2024-10-30 2024-10-31#
reading books
buildsafedev work
updated the ksctl docs and the website
came to know how to write build time based github stars badge in astro
office work
Date 2024-10-28 2024-10-29#
reading books
buildsafedev work
birthday celebration
ksctl cncf things
Date 2024-10-27#
reading books
learning about sql testing in go and also sqlite
market research came to learning OpenShift
security and compliance of RHCOS and OpenShift
reading about PKI blog and CFSSL
reading about how hard is it to use helm chart from other sources and customization for specific usecase of yours
Date 2024-10-26#
reading books
designing some next project design docs
buildsafedev work
market research came to learning OpenShift
about ignition and how it can be used to bootstrap the cluster
RHCOS and how it setups the cluster and the difference
customizations present
default admission plugins present
Date 2024-10-25#
market research came to learning OpenShift
Hosted control plane concept and how it can be used to manage multi clusters
GPU support and also about how nvidia and redhat both have colloborated to solve a lot of problems
some nice debugging in office
some nice archietcture CI/CD diagrams
buildsafedev work
Date 2024-10-24#
reading about redhat openshift multi cluster engine, Operator Lifecycle Manager, Platform Lifecycle Manager
reading books
buildsafedev work
some nice brainstorming of creating a cusom manager for vscode environment (the resource and the controller perspective)
Date 2024-10-23#
cncf tag green PR help
office work
reading books
Date 2024-10-22#
completed the buildsafe ci/cd end to end
reading books
learning about redhat openshift
Date 2024-10-21#
reading books
call with harsh and saiyam on new ideas and plans on ksctl future
learning about h2c and http1 in gcloud cloud run service
writing some technical documentation in dayjob
Date 2024-10-19 2024-10-20#
learning about OpenShift Platform Plus
call with Harsh on another aspect of interesting alternative arch for k8s
Completed and understood about gcloud run service
artifact registry with CI/CD
Ksctl work
eBPF learnings
Date 2024-10-18#
learning about gcloud run and artifact registry and secret management
office work
buildsafe work
Date 2024-10-17#
learning about SLSA concepts
office work
buildsafe work
Date 2024-10-16#
learning about SLSA verify build platform
threats and migrations
learning about crowdsec
Date 2024-10-15#
learning about Distributing provenance, verifying artifacts in SLSA
buildsafedev working on CI/CD
learning about the key differences b/w kafka and nats more about consumers and different modesl of getting data (push and pull)
kafka based consumers need to handle the offset and also the partition and sequence number
need to fix the no of partitiions for each topic as each pariton of a given sequence in kafka can be consumed by only one consumer
nats based consumers are more like pubsub model and can be consumed by multiple consumers no need to handle the offset and partition
Date 2024-10-14#
learning about SLSA security levels, Producing artifacts
frappe after_migrate hook, inbuilt slack webhook with notification doctype usecase
reading books
learning about the key differences b/w kafka and nats
Date 2024-10-13#
reading about SLSA https://slsa.dev/spec/v1.0/terminology and docker buildx build support for it https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/buildx/build/#sbom
completed one market research for ksctl
reading book
read about graceful termination and how to avoid getting new requests in k8s pod when doing so
one hacky way or correct way is to have an endpoint /v1/healthz
which will return 200 when pod is ready to terminate and 503 when it is not, which we can control as a global variable in the code and when we recieve a sigterm from runtime we can set that variable to some value and it in return make the endpoint to return 503, so if we have the liveliness probe setup k8s will stop sending new requests to the terminating pod and by that time we can gracefully terminate the exeiting connections and then exit the pod
epereienced the choopstick way of holding a landing 1st stage booster (ctx: spaceX)
Date 2024-10-12#
some nice good night walk
some more market research for ksctl
reading about git clone advance blog post by the github team
came to know about alternatiev solution for k8s
Date 2024-10-11#
finally utlized set() in real world problem
some advance git clone commands
(These clones download all reachable commits and trees while fetching blobs on-demand.)
(These clones download all reachable commits while fetching trees and blobs on-demand.)
(These clones truncate the commit history to reduce the clone size. This creates some unexpected behavior issues, limiting which Git commands are possible.)
blobs: These represent file contents.
trees: These represent directories.
commits: These are snapshots in time
reference: https://github.blog/open-source/git/get-up-to-speed-with-partial-clone-and-shallow-clone/
started to learn how to do market research
youtube system design from bytebytego
Date 2024-10-10#
learning about git shallow-since argument
debugging docker and k8s issues
debugging and working with shit python untyped dict and list
Date 2024-10-09#
came to know more about integrating frappe with static page
buildsafe github ci work
nix os and its build as a docker image
azure k8s management
Date 2024-10-07 2024-10-08#
created a market analysis doc for ksctl
learning 100go.co
many more
python coding
Date 2024-10-06#
reading about more blog posts on Problems of IaC
explored GLassKube
a lot of though on ksctl and how to make it better
getting into green software foundation’s Carbon aware SDK
Date 2024-10-04 2024-10-05#
more thought about ksctl goals and the problem it solves
came to know how to do git log with os exec in go
Reading more articles and Problems in IAC and Gitops space
review one of the cncf green reviews PR
Date 2024-10-03#
reading article on why cloud UX sucks
buildsafe work
some python automation scripting
rclone for s3 backups
Date 2024-10-01 2024-10-02#
reading about Software design principles
reading about caching, high avability ,…
traveling back to Pune
some more learning and requirements gathering for ksctl
doing some buildsafe work