learning about issuer-ambient-credentials in cert-manager
‘Ambient Credentials’ are credentials drawn from the environment, metadata services, or local files which are not explicitly configured in the Issuer API object. When this flag is enabled, the following sources for credentials are also used: AWS - All sources the Go SDK defaults to, notably including any EC2 IAM roles available via instance metadata.
learning about aws api and cli how it works and also came to know about curl -I --user $AWS_ACCESS_KEY:$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --aws-sigv4 "aws:amz:$REGION:$SERVICE_NAME"
buildsafe work
attending some nice demo of another company Qumulus
grpc amazing status.Error and status.New() withDetails() and errstatus package google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/errdetails to add more details to the error also came to know about google some buf package for validating the proto message fields
buildsafe work
Learning some more gorebuild and govulncheck for ksctl and also sbomqs score for generating scores for ksctl
learning about grpc validation of message fields in a service
learning some interesting stuff on k8s and redhat open container platform
terraform interesting command -chdir to change the directory before executing the command thus you can have the providers in one directry and rest in another directory and use them as needed