Date 2023-05-31#

  1. Created some amazing demo pre-trained model on tex2text and other in huggingface
  2. Tried out some Golang projects
  3. Learn of Rust
  4. Started to use the Snyk

Date 2023-05-30#

  1. Tried put wasm and wasi to compile ksctl failed but came to know a lot
  2. documentations done for the internship
  3. Created a small transformer Deep learning model in huggingface
  4. fixed some issue in docs of ksctl
  5. started with error handling in Rust

Date 2023-05-29#

  1. got rejected for LFX mentorship in kyverno because of unable to meet 40 hrs/week
  2. almost done with documentation of internship work
  3. Practised Rust
  4. Created the LRU for golang
  5. interview with Kunak K got postpointed

Date 2023-05-28#

  1. start to design new architecture for ksctl
  2. completed dsa course by theprimeagen
  3. implemented lru cache

Date 2023-05-27#

  1. revision of all computer science concepts (though something got into 🧠 )
  2. successfully created kubeadm cluster on civo (HA having 3 cp and 2 wp)

Date 2023-05-24 2023-05-26#

  1. Rust basics on vector done
  2. created a small demo rust project
  3. prepared the LFX mentorship proposals
  4. got reached out by kyverno
  5. able to deploy nextjs apps to s3, storageaccount, vercel
  6. improve ksctl scripts
  7. improved understanding of wasm , why it is needed

Date 2023-05-18 to 2023-05-23#

  1. Learned a lot about WASM
  2. Rust beginerrs done
  3. Done some pretty cool DSA problems
  4. ksctl version 1.0 released
  5. completed the internship automation of release of reactive native apps for android and iOS
  6. came to know difference between deep learning and some standard matrix multiplication and how the weight corrections is done througth the gradient descent

Date 2023-05-17#

  1. came to know whhy deep learning is having such big leap
  2. tried kubernetes custom contoller
  3. internship work with respective to the iOS mobile app

Date 2023-05-16#

  1. Done with some DSA proactise with golang
  2. ksctl docs website improved
  3. some wasm with docker and kubernetes runtiem with spins
  4. doing machine learning

Date 2023-05-15#

  1. returned home and continuing to learn new tech
  2. some rest

Date 2023-05-13#

  1. Completed with my exams
  2. hostel is over and going to continue college in virtual mode

Date 2023-05-02#

  1. end-sem prep

Date 2023-05-01#

  1. Attended the kubesimplify 5pm talk and CFP talk
  2. Fixed my vagrant setup for upcoming eBPF learning
  3. started to do question paper review for upcoming end-sem