[2023-06] Diary for June 2023
Table of Contents
Date 2023-06-30#
- done a stream on ksctl
- DSA practise
- Comepleted 5th module of the cisco security essentials
- had a lot of fun in socials
Date 2023-06-27 2023-06-29#
- Comeplete CISCO networking course
- unable to dedicate time for DSA
- got into Kubernetes ISSUE for the interactive delete operation
- Discussion on ksctl
- cisco seucity essentials continue
- got to travel outside
- waiting for some suprise
Date 2023-06-25 2023-06-26#
- Done cisco network chap 9
- DSA practise
- discovered spin http trigger request
Date 2023-06-24#
- Cisco 1-4 done (networking)
- DSA problem
Date 2023-06-23#
- done cisco python course
Date 2023-06-22#
- DSA problem
- Cisco training
- had discussion with kubesimplify ambassadors about carrier
Date 2023-06-21#
- done jenkins automation script
- uploaded a new yt video
- doing python cisco
- ksctl design diagrams
Date 2023-06-20#
- added the dagger to the ksctl
- automated the jenkins job creation and trigger
Date 2023-06-19#
- Cisco certs
- python begineers done
- security gave one module test
- Learn Rust
- Got marks of EndSem exams
- Watched the video on Dagger
- came to know when should one use the managed offering vs self-managed k8s
Date 2023-06-18#
- DSA problems
- Cisco certifications
- module 1 done CCNA
- module 1 done computer security
- module 1 done python
- Learn Rust
Date 2023-06-16 to 2023-06-17#
- enjoyed KCD Mumbai
- attended spin workshops
Date 2023-06-15#
- Done DSA problem
- internship work
Date 2023-06-14#
- Rust programming
- done the wasmedge with tls plugin
- internship work
- ibm Qiskit done
Date 2023-06-13#
- DSA problem
- had discussion on kubernetes
- some eBPF blog from kubernetes
- Rust programming
- tried out wasmer
cargo wasix build
wasmer run target/wasm32-wasmer-wasi/debug/first-cli.rustc.wasm --allow-multiple-wasi-versions -- reverse dcds
Date 2023-06-12#
- done 4 assessments in turing.com (kubernetes, aws, docker, go)
- had discussion on docker and solve one problem in internship
- tried out Qiskit for some quantum computing
- ksctl pr stuff
- Rust programming
Date 2023-06-11#
- create the dependency graph for the AWS resource like EC2 and cloudformation
- DSA problem
- fixed my custom_ds for golang
- gave a companies intership process test
Date 2023-06-09 to Date 2023-06-10#
- ksctl monthly meeting
- HTTPS diagram
- DSA practise
- Kubernetes Course on Certificates
- Go dependency graph from the aws cloudformation stack
- checkout weather forcast using google model using google earth
- used Google cloud and also bought my own dns
Date 2023-06-08#
- Made the existing Rust bot app to have a nice basic ui
- Done some OSS
- K8s node-sigs
- kubernetes scale
- wasmedge
- k8s website
Date 2023-06-05 to 2023-06-07#
- Wasted time on wasm
- checked out the ksctl the design proposal
- done with the nginx reverse proxy demo
- had kubesimplify monthly meeting
- Done DSA problems
- Came to know how to operate Rust
Date 2023-06-04#
- Done with ksctl integration with codecov
- had time with family
- had few twitter spaces, was speaker in one of them
- created the new draft ksctl new design of architecture
- learning about building deep learning models from scratch
Date 2023-06-03#
- Completed the Snyk integration with Jenkins
- updated my fedora 37 -> 38
- Created a raw rust http server to handle huggingface bot requests
- fixed my laptop’s battery alert system
- Done DSA problem
- Done Kodekloud devops task
Date 2023-06-02#
- Done synk integration with jenkins and also added email notification of generated report.html
- Rust get request (spent almost 3 to 4 hours) but now its done just that wasm doesn’t support it
- ksctl meeting for the firewall rules
- Komiser repo contribution and learned how to abstract different components of the project
Date 2023-06-01#
- Done daily DSA problem
- Started to do the Rust programming
- Gave a twitch live stream demo on how to build a application using pretrained ML model HuggingFace
- Came to know more about Synk
- Got started to use the tmux
- Compiled the Rust CLI tool to wasm and ran using wasmedge (wasm32/wasi)