[2024-07] Diary for July 2024
Table of Contents
Date 2024-07-31#
- reading books
- python coding for wireguard vpn client
- aws eks PR final review and closer to merge for next window
- learnings about better code refactoring in grpc and http server project
- you can use
to override any global variable inside a package in go - completed my probation period at work and now a full time employee
Date 2024-07-30#
- reading books
- ptyhon coding
- aws eks version findings
- learning from one of the senior go developer how to write good testable code for ksctl
- added more test cases for ksctl kubernetes pkg
Date 2024-07-29#
- reading books
- python and frappe learning about some challenges in hooks for a controller
- ksctl application stack stuck with testing but done some
- grpc server and http server via grpc client in the http server
- go mod replace first hand use
- ksctl aws test case help
Date 2024-07-27 2024-07-28#
- reading books
- reading some green software and engery reduction papers on networking
- gzip http server in go
- grpc server in go and its best practises
- Ksctl eks problem is fixed with the waiter
- ksctl application stack is done now left is more test cases
Date 2024-07-26#
- reading books
- python coding and frappe connections between doctypes
- ksctl aws EKS code bug fixes and also found another problem
Date 2024-07-25#
- reading books
- python coding
- ksctl aws EKS code base fix on waiter Client
- green reviews PR merged
- came to know why, how and when to use http multipart forms
Date 2024-07-24#
- reading books
- becoming better at frappe and python
- ksctl application debugging
- green reviews mermaid daigram for propoal 001 pr added
- ksctl aws PR from praful trying it out
Date 2024-07-23#
- reading books
- file server setup in go
- ksctl grpc bytes and controller intergation
- green reviews mermaid daigram for propoal 001
Date 2024-07-22#
- reading books
- came to know about grpc byte and json types
- able to use
as a crd struct type for k8s-kubebuilder based controller - python learnings
Date 2024-07-21#
- ksctl application v2 mapping done finally, next need to update the consumers
- go http server cors using gorilla mux
- reading books
Date 2024-07-20#
- ksctl application componentize overridng significant progress
- go-swagger client generation and more rest api server and client development
- reading books
- came to know about crowdstrike and windows problems ;)
Date 2024-07-19#
- did ksctl compoentn wise overridings
- some nice development and some discussion on ansible
- reading books
- came to know about go-swagger for openapi spec based server and client and redoc for UI
Date 2024-07-16 2024-07-18#
- frappe virtual doctype
- go validator
- gorilla mux and more advance methods of using standatd go http server
- got hands dirty with mermaid
- reading books
- ksctl component overidings design and coding phase
Date 2024-07-13 2024-07-15#
- Go programming fundamentals
- came to know who and when to use bufferende cna dunbufferend channels
- also came to know how to implement graceful termination, http Handle wit custom Servemux in go
- came to know about go mod importing and excluding specific versions of a mod deps
- helping with CNCF Tag Green code review
- frappe learning with client side and server side controllers
- reading books
Date 2024-07-12#
- read the SCI green software foundation
- updated the ksctl docs with new versioning
- banking stuff
Date 2024-07-11#
- read openai assistant
- successfully build a nice wrapper for interacting with ansible using frappe controllers
- read about the wasi interfaces and their docs
Date 2024-07-10#
- Read book
- frappe docktype and ansible tags and extra vars using ansible-runner
- frappe status field
- ksctl PR for hybrid client to install application added
Date 2024-07-09#
- Ksctl application controller updates
- docs and core PR are created
- frappe and ansible module explored (ansible_runner and ansible) PyPI
- read about the repo docs for wasi::(http, sock, poll, filesystem, …)
- make the wae project fon wasi experiments docs ready and also added social cover
- came to know how to use the
wit-bindgen markdown
Date 2024-07-08#
- added wasm http server by removing Polling allocator for <= wasmtime@23.0
- Understood why we need pre-compiled wasm binary
- understanding about frappe and also ansible python module
Date 2024-07-07#
- ksctl improved application support
- ksctl aws EKS review of the PR and also merged new contributor PR
- came to know about azure openai credits
- watch second time the KEDA operator on watttime and carbon inentity usage
- read the entire docs on learn.green software foundation
- made myself ready for demo tomorrow
- book reading
Date 2024-07-06#
- completed the wasm project
- done learning about watttime and understood the data pointers
- assitant in openai is the next good thing after the boring chat completion
- some nice projects under the way
- some nice chatting with saiyam and prateek
Date 2024-07-04 2024-07-05#
- almost done with the wasm small project
- came to know about watttime
- learning about frappe worker queues and doctype controllers
Date 2024-07-01 2024-07-03#
- added color and openai api calls in the automated wasm project
- python, rust, wasi and openai learnings
- reading books
- learning about frappe