Date 2023-07-31#

  1. internship with kubernetes EKS setup
  2. DSA problem custom LCS

Date 2023-07-30#

  1. Done internship month logging
  2. new DSA about segment trees
  3. Open source issues
  4. Marketing course
  5. College placement drive for e-litmus

Date 2023-07-29#

  1. practical testing ec2
  2. got invitation for kubernetes and kubernetes-sigs
  3. ksctl important decisions
  4. management course
  5. tried out caching via the redis for data rather fetching

Date 2023-07-28#

  1. New ksctl codebase redesign
  2. INternship
  3. marketing course

Date 2023-07-27#

  1. Private Container resitry demo
  2. DSA
  3. Marketing course
  4. ksctl discussion
  5. discussion of CFP
  6. make a demo application for a go client to a Mysql server

Date 2023-07-26#

  1. Internship
  2. Some on-campus placement drives
  3. open elective II
  4. research
  5. reviewed a lot of issues and PR from cilium, kubernetes, spin

Date 2023-07-25#

  1. Done DSA Question
  2. failed to pass one of the campus placement exam
  3. Internship some EKS discussion
  4. research
  5. ksctl doubts regarding which component should help in what

Date 2023-07-24#

  1. Done some reaseach study
  2. ksctl far thinking
  3. internship
  4. marketting course coursera week 1 done
  5. Had a call with Kunal Kushwaha on the occassion of wining Napptive Hackathon

Date 2023-07-23#

  1. Done DSA problem
  2. some college exit tests
  3. Ksctl monthly meet and a lot of progress in ksctl
  4. college elective II

Date 2023-07-22#

  1. Done Open Elective course
  2. ksctl planing
  3. research

Date 2023-07-21#

  1. Merged 2 PR in fermyon repos
  2. DSA problem
  3. Research papers
  4. internship
  5. some marketting courses

Date 2023-07-20#

  1. Solved a fermyon/spin issue (first rust based project contrib)
  2. college elective 2 started
  3. kodekloud cousrse CKA almost done
  4. research

Date 2023-07-19#

  1. DSA problem
  2. came to know about pm2 to run nodejs apps
  3. kodekloud cka
  4. OSS to fermyon and cilium
  5. rust programming

Date 2023-07-18#

  1. research paper findings
  2. internship on kubernetes gateway diagram
  3. Kodekloud cka course
  4. ksctl state configurations

Date 2023-07-17#

  1. Done the ksctl integration with the controllers
  2. collected some research papers
  3. applyed for remote jobs
  4. DSA problems
  5. CKA kodekloud storage done

Date 2023-07-16#

  1. Done research
  2. ksctl call on design with other maintainers
  3. Queriy to sig-network on gateway
  4. Kodekloud courses

Date 2023-07-15#

  1. done ksctl issues and PR
  2. research
  3. Rust programming
  4. completed the ckad from kodekloud
  5. some practise in cka
  6. DSA done
  7. cilium docs
  8. internship work

Date 2023-07-14#

  1. HTTPS for gateway api and ingress done k8s
  2. migrated from the lunarvim, nvchad to raw neovim config
  3. research papers
  4. ksctl PRs
  5. iternship

Date 2023-07-13#

  1. Done DSa problem
  2. ksctl new ideas
  3. cisco exam given (round-2)
  4. college assignment done (internship diary)
  5. internship (k8s ingress)

Date 2023-07-12#

  1. Prepared for the cisco round 1 exam
  2. Done with the nginx loadbalcner with tls and the gateway api research
  3. done some OSS
  4. ksctl issues

Date 2023-07-11#

  1. added complete interfaces for the ksctl
  2. Done DSA questions
  3. cisco assignment 7 done
  4. Tried out gateway api (nginx gateway)

Date 2023-07-10#

  1. Added the state manager to ksctl (just the interfaces)
  2. Cisco assignment5
  3. internship work to focus on the managed kubernetes
  4. migrated the lunarvim to nvchad
  5. research

Date 2023-07-09#

  1. ksctl code done for the all the providers (cloud and kubernetes distro)
  2. DSA done
  3. meet on the hackathon for AWS hashnode

Date 2023-07-08#

  1. UNderstood IPv6 addressing configurations
  2. Wrote a blog on the fermyon cloud and docusurous website
  3. Tried out cilium project again
  4. some ksctl project discussion
  5. research

Date 2023-07-07#

  1. Done DSA question
  2. Deployed the kubesimplify website on fermyon and added AWS Cloudfront(CDN) for edge deployment (cacheing)
  3. Cisco network assignments
  4. Had call with some of the folks in fermyon cloud as well
  5. Done the research thing
  6. FInally upgrade to a new earphone

Date 2023-07-06#

  1. Some more reading on research
  2. Rust programming
  3. OPen source (kubesimplify website to wasm spin), checking out cilium
  4. internship work
  5. cisco studies
  6. Tried out jira and was successful to create issue add automation for the vulnerability (snyk)

Date 2023-07-05#

  1. Complete revamp of the personal portfolio
  2. ksctl redesign started (coding)
  3. Done DSA today
  4. internship work
  5. gave a weird companies assessment total disaster
  6. research

Date 2023-07-04#

  1. deployed the spin app in the azure webapps
  2. check out how to generate SBOM artifacts via syft
  3. snyk can generate the test report as a json
  4. travel with brother
  5. research on XxYyZz # it is hashed

Date 2023-07-03#

  1. Gave a new look to the portfolio
  2. ksctl design discussion with preeteek
  3. got all the cisco certs
  4. wasm spin deployment failed
  5. applied for 3 to 4 jobs

Date 2023-07-02#

  1. Done all the 4 courses for the cisco within 10 days
  2. Checkout the wasm component model
  3. improved the project of GPT2 from hugging face using spin
  4. created a small reverse proxy for the kubesimplify using spin

Date 2023-07-01#

  1. Created the new ksctl design doc
  2. bought myself MX master 3s (after 1 year promise)
  3. read the Golang design blog