2025-02-01 Dipankar Das 2 min read (319 words)
Table of Contents
Date 2025-02-19 2025-02-21#
started with part time work
reading patents
learning about quantum computing
ksctl and posthog integration
some relaxing time
Date 2025-02-18#
finally was able to undersnatd about posthog and implemented in cloudflare proxy worker and in ksctl cli
some js learning
Date 2025-02-17#
writing blog post on m wasip2 experience
reading patents
learning about database locks in mariadb and more hands on db dumps and restore
Date 2025-02-16#
Ambassador pattern
writing blog post for ksctl release v2
reading patents
Date 2025-02-15#
ksctl release fixes
reading patents
learning about sync I/O programming
ksctl documentation
reading blogs on consistency and more..
Date 2025-02-14#
bug fixes in ksct cli and core and finally release v2.0.0
office work
reading patents
started writing blog post for ksctl release v2
Date 2025-02-12 2025-02-13#
retry storm anitpattern
ksctl cli fixes and bugs to version release
reading about “5 Cs: Configuring access to backing services”
Coordinates : networking details like IP address or DNS name, protocol, and port (if not well known), or service discovery details, such as account, region, and resource
Credentials : proof of identity
Configuration : other parameters, such as which database name or pubsub topic
Consent : authorization
Connectivity : network egress/ingress, firewalls, allowed IP ranges, etc.
Attended “Service Mesh Academy: OpenTelemetry and Linkerd”
patents reading
Date 2025-02-10 2025-02-12#
quntum computing with qiskit
ksctl addons
green reviews call and dagger
reading patents from redhat
reading blog on Modularity and blast radius in Infrastructure as Code
Date 2025-02-03 2025-02-09#
ksctl cli to core all the features are done
vaction mode one ;)
quantum computing with qiskit
software design patterns
Date 2025-02-02#
ksctl azure pricing with properties of vm, disks, aks
Date 2025-02-01#
learning about qiskit terra and ran first quantum circuit on IBM Q
read blog post on GitOps, IAC statefile
patent read
some finance work
ksctl planning for next upcoming features for region, … and learning about paganation
PromQL and learning how to write interesting queries