Dipankar Das2 min read (277 words)
Table of Contents
Date 2023-02-19 to 2023-02-28#
- Attended FOSS Kolkata
- Done with new ksctl release having ksctl
- Tried out Rust programming language
Date 2023-02-18#
- Completed the addition of Azure managed cluster ksctl
- Done task in kodekloud engineer
- Done Vault course submodule on policies
- Used the learning and created the user with specific policy
Date 2023-02-17#
- Added the complete azure managed cluster support with some Major TODOs
- done 90% of my first internship taks
- Got to know about golang best practises from the kubesimplify’s twitter space
- where I taught my class on
"inter-quatile range and how to detect outliers in data-set"
- Reading out Vault policies i.e. sys capabilities such as sudo access
Date 2023-02-16#
- did ksctl bi-weekly meeting
- done 60% of my first internship task
- Started to add azure support for the ksctl
Date 2023-02-15#
- how to create a ec2 instance with gitlab CE as AMI
- used and configured the AWS CodeCOmmit, CodeBuilder, CodePipleine
- done adding the ksctl azure credentials
- day of starting Devops intern
Date 2023-02-14#
- had 2 college exams
- added one liner command to install and uninstall ksctl
- did the course study on vault policies and cka on kubernetes cluster update
Date 2023-02-13#
- college studies
- college tests
- added goreleaser to the ksctl project
- how to create gpg key and use it to sign the commits help from
Github Docs
Date 2023-02-12#
- learned how to enable different auth methods in Vault and also write password and add ttl to the user using CLI
- came to know how the kubernetes release numbering works
- how to do how to make a node READY from k8s cluster for maintaince
cordon, uncordon, drain
- Attended college industry panel discussion on
next 25 years of IT