Date 2023-04-30#

  1. created a new application where

teacher takes attandance and according to the attandance student appear for the exam and attain marks

  1. college placement exams

Date 2023-04-26 to 2023-04-29#

  1. had kubesimplify workshop
  2. done with college assignment and other stuff before the endsem
  3. got started with ebpf
  4. learned about xargs and parallel in bash commands and their utilities

Date 2023-04-22 to 2023-04-25#

  1. Successfully created the iOS certificate keys learning for iOS dev
  2. ksctl documentation website updated with reoadmap
  3. got all the college marks
  4. stressed out with college assignments, exams
  5. preparing for the end-sem (last core subjects)
  6. understood more about compiler optimization

Date 2023-04-15 to 2023-04-21#

  1. learned bout OAM and how to use it
  • converted PDF-Editor project to OAM
  1. Added some ksctl docs website
  2. won the wemakedevs napptive hackathon
  3. preparing for the end-sem
  4. learned new stuff witrespective to computer from compilers to software planning
  5. found how to extrace raw mercis from a given VM (NodeExporter)
  6. started to work on internship subtask
  7. joined the Github community/maintainers repo

Date 2023-04-14#

  1. TOday trained a model for soil classification
  2. enjoyed with college friends
  3. vault course
  4. etcd backups

Date 2023-04-13#

  1. Decided the teams for the napptive hackathon
  2. kafka OAM template failure
  3. after 3 yrs again came back to train DeepLearning models

Date 2023-04-12#

  1. Figure out the napptive kafka deployment
  2. internship work getting finalized
  3. vault kv store done
  4. got college exam marks (17.6 / 20)

Date 2023-04-11#

  1. checked out some Pytorch videos
  2. internship work
  3. monokle (open source) PR
  4. Getting prepared for hackathon
  5. got to know which part of compiler is responsible for behavioral or intelligence (Semantic)

Date 2023-04-09#

  1. Learned about OAM (open application model)
  2. company docs is done

Date 2023-04-08#

  1. Watch John Wick 4 😄

Date 2023-04-06#

  1. Done creating build and publish to Gplay store
  2. Jenkins learning
  3. college exame
  4. Vault course (dynamic secrets)

Date 2023-04-05#

  1. Some internship work
  2. rust learning on structure
  3. had a good walk at night
  4. college study
  5. had college exam

Date 2023-04-04#

  1. Done with ksctl SSH hostkey verification security fix
  2. Figured out how to connect Appcenter and google play developer
  3. rust learning on references

Date 2023-04-03#

  1. found how to use ED25519 SSH keypair in golang to get verified by using host public key verification
  2. college study

Date 2023-04-02#

  1. Finalization underprocess for design document
  • identified functional & non-functional requirements
  • done with project charter
  1. SSH documentation
  2. Started to fix the SSH issue in ksctl

Date 2023-04-01#

  1. Learn about OAuth2.0. why?, how?
  2. Got certified from AWS for complting my AWS campus course
  3. helping people out
  4. Started the work on my Minor & Major project
  • Done with project charter, requirement
  1. Rust programming