[2023-04] Diary for April 2023
Table of Contents
Date 2023-04-30#
- created a new application where
teacher takes attandance and according to the attandance student appear for the exam and attain marks
- college placement exams
Date 2023-04-26 to 2023-04-29#
- had kubesimplify workshop
- done with college assignment and other stuff before the endsem
- got started with ebpf
- learned about
in bash commands and their utilities
Date 2023-04-22 to 2023-04-25#
- Successfully created the iOS certificate keys learning for iOS dev
- ksctl documentation website updated with reoadmap
- got all the college marks
- stressed out with college assignments, exams
- preparing for the end-sem (last core subjects)
- understood more about compiler optimization
Date 2023-04-15 to 2023-04-21#
- learned bout OAM and how to use it
- converted PDF-Editor project to OAM
- Added some ksctl docs website
- won the wemakedevs napptive hackathon
- preparing for the end-sem
- learned new stuff witrespective to computer from compilers to software planning
- found how to extrace raw mercis from a given VM (NodeExporter)
- started to work on internship subtask
- joined the Github community/maintainers repo
Date 2023-04-14#
- TOday trained a model for soil classification
- enjoyed with college friends
- vault course
- etcd backups
Date 2023-04-13#
- Decided the teams for the napptive hackathon
- kafka OAM template failure
- after 3 yrs again came back to train DeepLearning models
Date 2023-04-12#
- Figure out the napptive kafka deployment
- internship work getting finalized
- vault kv store done
- got college exam marks (17.6 / 20)
Date 2023-04-11#
- checked out some Pytorch videos
- internship work
- monokle (open source) PR
- Getting prepared for hackathon
- got to know which part of compiler is responsible for behavioral or intelligence (Semantic)
Date 2023-04-09#
- Learned about OAM (open application model)
- company docs is done
Date 2023-04-08#
- Watch John Wick 4 😄
Date 2023-04-06#
- Done creating build and publish to Gplay store
- Jenkins learning
- college exame
- Vault course (dynamic secrets)
Date 2023-04-05#
- Some internship work
- rust learning on structure
- had a good walk at night
- college study
- had college exam
Date 2023-04-04#
- Done with ksctl SSH hostkey verification security fix
- Figured out how to connect Appcenter and google play developer
- rust learning on references
Date 2023-04-03#
- found how to use
SSH keypair in golang to get verified by using host public key verification - college study
Date 2023-04-02#
- Finalization underprocess for design document
- identified functional & non-functional requirements
- done with project charter
- SSH documentation
- Started to fix the SSH issue in
Date 2023-04-01#
- Learn about OAuth2.0. why?, how?
- Got certified from AWS for complting my AWS campus course
- helping people out
- Started the work on my Minor & Major project
- Done with project charter, requirement
- Rust programming